Hi! I'm a Computer Science student at the American University of Beirut, pursuing a BS in Computer Science. Im experienced in software development, problem-solving, and applying DevOps principles to ensure efficient project delivery. I am adaptable and collaborative, and I love to learn and innovate.
American University Of Beirut
Computer Science | -
Freelance Work - -
I developed a custom Android plugin for a Unity project, fulfilling the client's requirements. Collaborating closely with the Unity team, I ensured seamless integration of the plugin into their application.
Qatar University
Summer Research Internship Program - -
Summer Research Internship Program focused on implementing AI for lower jaw identification in panoramic radiographs using the U-Net architecture. Responsibilities included image preprocessing with thresholding and normalization, utilizing Python and the Keras library, and building on Google Colab. Additionally, I played a key role in optimizer selection to enhance model performance.
Maze Game
A university website where students can explore, join, create, and manage clubs. Clubly (Site currently down)
FairShare App
An Android application designed to parse and assist with splitting receipts. The app uses a custom-trained machine learning model to accurately parse receipts into their individual components, and uses Google's ML Kit for OCR. Planning on working with Kotlin multiplatform to help with IOS release.
Maze Game
I made this project for my data structures and algorithms course, as an implementation of some of the algorithms taken in class. The application creates random mazes using Prims Algorithm, and solves them using A*.